Technology Explanation 

            The patented SeaFoam® Sealed Foam Comfort Technology manufacturing process consists of sealing the surface of an open-cell foam structure with a specially developed air or gas impermeable elastomeric coating and then installing a valve in said sealed surface coating, thereby creating a self-inflatable structure or device that is further capable of being pressurized while retaining the original shape of the unsealed piece of foam.

            The unique characteristics of the SeaFoam®  process permits the sealing of  virtually any shape that can be cut or molded in open-cell foam. Inflatable shapes with either flat sides or square edges, or complex, irregular, convoluted surfaces not normally or easily obtainable with traditional inflatable shell structure technology, can be created.

            Any density or combination of densities, of open-cell foam can be sealed to adjust the feel as desired for product specific purposes. There is no restriction with regard to the use of flame retardant (FR) or non-FR foams, nor is there any restriction as to the foam's chemical  composition, i.e. reticulated polyurethane, viscoelastic, latex, etc.

            While all SeaFoam® inflatable structures may be pressurized, flat sided structures can be inflated to high pressures, thereby becoming very firm or structurally stiff. Ultimate pressures are dependent upon the foam's baseline tensile strength.

            Coated fabrics can be further laminated to the outside layer of coating on a SeaFoam® structure for added durability. These are all properties unique to inflatable structures produced by the SeaFoam® Sealed Foam Technology process.

            With a SeaFoam® inflatable structure expanded to its baseline foam dimensions, the chamber's internal air pressure will be at 0 psig. Removal of any air from the chamber will yield, when the valve is subsequently closed, a condition of negative internal pressure (-psig) in the chamber and a softening of the structure from its baseline foam firmness.

             This condition of negative internal pressure in the chamber is the result of the continuing desire of the elastic, open celled foam to expand back to its original dimensions, thereby causing a suction effect on the sealed outer skin of the SeaFoam® structure. In turn, this results in the automatic drawing in of air through the inflate-deflate valve when the valve is subsequently re-opened.

             A cushion or mattress made via the SeaFoam® process may be operated with adjustable firmness, from a pressurized (+psig) condition that is harder than the original foam firmness to a negative internal pressure (-psig) condition that is softer than the original foam firmness. In it's softened condition, a SeaFoam® comfort  chamber feels as if it's filled with gelatin, similar to  viscoelastic foam, but with the ability to adjust the firmness.

             It is this internal suction effect that gives a SeaFoam® mattress its unique, extremely comfortable feel as a sleep surface, providing for full support of the body along each individual's contour, without hard spots that can disturb a good night's sleep. 

            Since SeaFoam® is a method for producing uniquely shaped, self-inflatable structures, it represents the beginning of the product design process, as opposed to a singular or specific end item.

            Following are some examples of unique, self-inflatable shapes that are producible only by the SeaFoam®  Sealed Foam Technology manufacturing process.

(If your browser does not show the shapes slide show, click on the SeaFoam Shapes link for a static picture display.)

US Patent Nos. 6,190,486; 6,397,417 and 6,494,243
Additional US & Foreign Patents Pending.

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